Green / Ceres

Ceres is the Goddess of Grain, Agriculture, and the Seasons.

Statue of the Goddess Ceres, Rubens

She is often depicted holding a cornucopia or stalks of wheat. It is from her that we get the word “cereal.” Because of her connection to the harvest and growth, Ceres is often associated with the color green.

As you watch the burning of this green candle, one dedicated to Ceres and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta), and as you settle into your own intuition, you may wish to narrow your thoughts onto the concept of growth. 

Do you feel that some part of your life has become stagnant or dormant? Why has that happened?

There are definitely phases and ages of our lives that are prone to becoming predictable, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

For example, the years a person might spend raising their kids, or building their career, or getting their business off the ground, or going to school—these are predictable times, maybe, but also positive and necessary, and there is great contentment and happiness to be found in such pursuits.

Indeed, some times or phases of life are necessary for growth—we can’t move ahead without them. These are the times we “plant a seed” and keep nourishing it until it sprouts and grows.

But complacency—that’s something else entirely. Complacency is the true enemy of growth. So as you relax into a meditative state, think about whether and how you might have become a little too complacent in your life.

Visualize Ceres standing beside you as you kneel on the ground, plant a seed in her rich soil, and water it. What does that seed represent and what do you want it to grow into? You know the answer. Look inside yourself to find it.

As the candle continues to melt, let your thoughts and emotions gravitate toward the idea of change. As the seasons change, so too does your life. What changes have you undergone?  If they weren’t all positive, reflect upon how you can change or grow to accept them or adapt to them.

At the same time, there may be changes that you still want or need to make in some area of your personal life.  The spirit of Ceres can help you usher those changes into your life, just as she ushers the warm, life-giving green spring into the world after the cold, bleak winter.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this green Ceres-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the goddess it is associated with. The first wax drip that fell actually looked like a seed dropping. This wax seed sat for some time at the base of the candle before blossoming into something bigger. Later, a wax formation built up near the center of the candle and dripped wax down in a way that strongly resembled the fall of rain, as if the seed below was being watered. The candle burned very yellow at the top, an effect that created a lovely contrast with the green wax—like the sun and the Earth, the pair of life. The flame was tenacious, too, and didn’t want to go out, instead clinging to life. Isn’t that something that every living thing, plant or animal, does?

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Ceres, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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