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This site contains copyrighted content. All rights are reserved by Debra May Macleod. The commercial use or copying of Debra May Macleod’s content or unique candle-reading methodology is prohibited.

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Debramaymacleod.com / AllthingsVesta.com is an author and informational website about ancient Roman history, culture and religion, including aspects of modern practice. The visitor / purchaser must use her or his own judgment with respect to what, if any, information to apply in her or his life, and in what ways. The author cannot and will not be held liable for the use or misuse of information provided on this website or through her products or services.

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Candle Readings

You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase or use a candle reading (30-minute candle burn / reading video). All readings are for entertainment purposes only. The information provided is open to interpretation and is reflective in nature: it is not to be substituted for legal, medical, psychological, financial or other professional or personal advice, and is used at the sole discretion of the purchaser or user. Debra May Macleod is not responsible for any act or omission allegedly arising, directly or indirectly, from the use or misuse of information provided. Debra May Macleod cannot guarantee you will be satisfied with your reading and there are no refunds on completed readings.

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