Green / Diana

Diana is the Goddess of the Hunt and Animals, and of Crossroads.

Diana and Cupid, Batoni

Her animals are the dog and the deer, and she is typically seen with a bow and arrow.  Her connection to the natural world, and that fact that she is also the Goddess of the Countryside, means that she is often associated with the color green.

As you watch the burning of this green candle, one dedicated to Diana and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta), focus on the melting wax and these aspects of the goddess.

Ask yourself whether you feel truly connected to the natural world and the creatures we share it with.

If you’re a city dweller, maybe it would be good for the soul to get out in nature a little more, to take a walk through the woods or along the beach.

And if you can’t do that, maybe you can surround yourself with more greenery and life in your home—large houseplants and an aquarium can bring a bit of the forest and the ocean to you.

If you’re an animal lover, watch the flame move and the wax melt, and think about how you can make the world a better place for them. You may intuit that spending more time helping animals would actually help you find greater peace.

Or perhaps you want to focus more on the crossroads or decision-making aspect of Diana. Is there some kind of decision that you need to make? Are you at a crossroads in your life, whether in your career, relationship, or lifestyle? Are there two paths before you, and you need to pick one? 

Take this time for yourself and visualize walking down each of those two paths, all the way, to their very end. What do you see along the way? What obstacles might you encounter? Where does each path lead you? And perhaps most importantly, where do you really want to go?

Don’t rush this journey, but rather let your thoughts, emotions and intuition guide you in the direction—and toward the decision—that is right for you.

At the same time, perhaps there is a decision you made in the past that you now regret - or if not regret, at least wonder about. Was it really the right decision? What might have happened had you made a different one? No one makes it through life without making a few mistakes, and maybe at this point you need to focus more on accepting the past than obsessing about it. Hindsight truly is 20/20 (and then some) so give yourself a break!

In fact, with some reflection, you might discover that your mistakes were actually the best teachers you have had in life. Perhaps what you think were poor decisions were blessings in disguise that have brought much good to your life. Try to find the good in what you perceive as bad. That too can help you find peace.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this green Diana-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the goddess it is associated with. It burned with a beauty and vibrancy that one would expect of the goddess of the countryside and animals. It even melted into what resembles a fertile valley or peaceful landscape, one that we can imagine is filled with rich vegetation, birds, and wildlife.

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Diana, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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