Teal / Juno

Juno is the wife of Jupiter, and the Chief Goddess. She is the Goddess of Women and Marriage.

Juno Asking Aeolus to Release the Winds, Boullogne

Her symbolic animal is the peacock, and she is often associated with the colors blue and green - here, I give her a teal candle. 

The month of June is named for her—and since she is also the goddess of marriage, it’s no wonder we see so many marriages in June. 

A powerful goddess, Juno embodies many of the qualities we see in women—protectiveness and loyalty, but also some less flattering traits like envy and even vindictiveness

She is a very complex goddess, a vital force, who is confident and self-aware.  As the queen of heaven, she is a regal and dignified personality, and as you would expect from a queen, quite uncompromising.

 Juno is the bringer of new life, and of youthfulness.  She brings new energy into the world, which is why she is the Goddess of Childbirth as well.

In her capacity as a protector and savior goddess, Juno is also a “warner” who alerts her people to danger, or warns them to stay vigilant.

The counterpart of Father Jupiter, Juno is a mother figure who provides comfort, strength, security and guidance in a very feminine way. We as humans instinctually yearn for and cling to a mother figure, so if you long for that kind of presence in your life, then Juno is the goddess to turn to.

As you watch the burning of this teal candle, one dedicated to Juno and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta) you can sit back to reflect upon the qualities and aspects that Juno embodies, and how those might relate to your life or what you are going through.

Perhaps you are a mother yourself who will find comfort and guidance in Mother Juno as you navigate the challenges of motherhood and family life.

Or perhaps you are seeking or soon to be married. Perhaps you are trying to conceive or already pregnant and wish to find comfort during this uniquely feminine aspect of being.

Perhaps you are trying to better understand yourself as a woman.

If you are a man, it is the most natural thing in the world to turn to a mother figure—perhaps you did not have that from your own mother, or perhaps she is gone and you miss that kind of strength and comfort. 

All humans have masculine and feminine aspects to them, as does Juno—she is feminine, yet war-like. Look at any statue of her—she is strong, often armed and ready for battle, yet strikingly beautiful.

Juno is a goddess that men and women, in equal numbers and with equal passion, turn to during times of hardship, worry or fear.  Are you afraid or concerned about something right now? 

As you watch the flame and the wax move and shift, and as you think about these things and tune in to your own intuition, could the signs be warning you of something?  Maybe there is something you are doing in your life, or that is about to happen, that isn’t good for you, and that you need to be more aware of and on the lookout for.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this teal Juno-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the goddess it is associated with. Like Juno herself, the candle was a bit stubborn and it took a while for the flame to initially take to the wick.  Once it did, it burned with a comforting glow.

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Juno, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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