Purple / Jupiter

Jupiter is the God of the Sky, and the Father of All the Gods. The King of the Gods.

The Triumph of Jupiter, Houasse

For that reason, he is often associated with the color purple—the color of royalty. 

In ancient Rome, Jupiter was often depicted holding a thunderbolt and wearing a purple cloak. His animal is the eagle, one of the symbols of Rome itself.

The greatest of the gods, Jupiter embodies power and strength. One only needs to behold a stormy sky—the billowing black clouds, the earth-shaking boom of thunder, the electric crack of lightning—to feel the power and strength at his command.

As you watch the burning of this purple candle, one dedicated to Jupiter and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta) you can sit back to reflect upon the role of power in your life.

Do you feel like an empowered person? In what ways or areas of your life are you strong and empowered, and in what ways or areas of your life do you feel weaker, insecure, or even subordinate?

Look at the flame and watch the purple wax melt. Use the point of light to spark your intuition and find the answers within yourself. Use the powerful shifting of the wax to motivate yourself to move toward a more empowered way of living and thinking. Find your strength.

Yet Jupiter isn’t just about power and strength. As the greatest of the gods, he is also concerned with morality—with doing the right thing, and with being a virtuous human being.

Again, you can ask yourself some probing questions. Do you live by a moral code? Are you clear about your own values?

Perhaps there are people in your life who make you question your values, or who have conflicting values. How will you stay true to yourself? How will you make your peace with others who don’t see the world as you do?

Jupiter also embodies change—think of the “shifting winds.” 

Is there a change you have been thinking about making in your life? Or is there something you know you should be changing, but you haven’t quite found the strength to do so? Considering the power that Jupiter represents and can impart, now might be the time to finally make that change.

Jupiter is a father figure too, one that conveys comfort, strength, security and guidance in a distinctly masculine way. There is something very natural about that—we as humans instinctually yearn for and cling to a father figure.

The Great Father, the Almighty Father—if you need that kind of masculine presence in your life, or if you wish to emulate it in your own family life, then Jupiter is the god to turn to.

Lastly, because Jupiter is the supreme god, I think this purple-candle burn might be the perfect time to also remind yourself to have faith in the universe. To trust the universe. There are powerful forces at work in it, and they are working for you.

And if you need a reminder of the god’s perpetual presence in the world, just go outside on a clear, dark night and look up.  The planet Jupiter, which the Romans named after the king of the gods, and which is the largest planet in our solar system, can often be seen with the naked eye. There are many astronomy websites and stargazing apps that can help you locate it, so give it a try.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this purple Jupiter-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the god it is associated with. Like Jupiter himself, it was spectacular and dramatic, with a strong, vivid, bold flame that melted and shifted the wax in the way that an intense storm might trigger a landslide. Watch for those lightning-like flares and stormy movements, communing with your own intuition as you do. Look for signs, for meaning, in what you see happening. This candle was also the only one in this series that extinguished itself. What other behavior would one expect from the father of the gods?

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Jupiter, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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