Blue / Neptune

Neptune is the God of the Sea.

The Return of Neptune, Copley

Neptune is also the creator of the horse. He is often depicted with a trident and is associated with the color blue.

Just as the sea can be calm or stormy, so too can Neptune himself. 

As you watch the burning of this dark blue candle, one dedicated to Neptune and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta), you might want to reflect on how much control you have over your emotions.

For whatever reason, we seem to live in a very angry, overreactive world these days. Are you aware of this, and how do you cope with it? Are you one of the walking angered, or have you managed to find calm amid the storm?

As you look into the flame and watch the dark blue wax melt and move, tap into your intuition and think about your triggers. That is, what tends to make you emotional or overreactive? What makes you lose control or lose your temper to some extent, so that you say or do things you later regret?

Once you’ve answered those kinds of questions, you can dive deeper, below your volatile emotions or reactions, and look for tranquility...what do you see or feel down there that brings you peace and perspective? How can you bring that to the surface of your life so you can be calmer and happier, and feel more in control?

This idea of “diving deeper” might apply in various parts of your life. As you lose yourself in the flame, as you watch for signs in the melting wax, let your thoughts drift to any problems you’re having, whether with a person or a situation.

Ask yourself why those problems exist—because deep down, you know the answer.

You also know the solution to the problem, although you might not want to admit it or implement it. The deeper we bury something, the more resistant we are to pulling it back up again. But you can do it. Let you intuition show you how. It might turn out much better than you expect.

Neptune’s animal, the horse, has similar qualities as the sea.   A powerful animal, its strength can be harnessed to calmly pull a cart or inflamed to storm into battle with nostrils flared.  Perhaps you need those qualities, too. You need to be able to find calm when it’s warranted, but you also need to have the pluck and vigor to charge ahead—to race to the finish line—when necessary.  Use this candle burn to think deeply about how you can balance those qualities of your being.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this dark blue Neptune-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the god it is associated with. Most notably, the pooled candle wax cracked as soon as the flame was extinguished, something that is completely in line with Neptune’s stormy disposition.

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Neptune, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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