Pink / Venus

Venus is the Goddess of Love.

The Birth of Venus, Botticelli

Daughter of Jupiter, she was born from the sea, and her symbol is therefore a seashell or a dolphin. 

She is associated with the colors of the seafoam that birthed her, but also with the color pink, since pink is a shade of red (the color of Mars) and Venus is a counterpart to Mars.

Love must always balance anger and aggression. At the same time, the old saying is often true: All is fair in love and war. These forces may be opposing, but they also have much in common.

Venus is also a goddess that we associate with great beauty

Venus can fill us with passion and desire, and thus nourish the kind of devotion that can sustain a romance for a lifetime.

Yet passionate desire can also lead to temptation and to thoughtless acts that can hurt and destroy.

As you watch the burning of this pink candle, one dedicated to Venus and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta) you can sit back to reflect upon the qualities and aspects that Venus embodies, and how those might relate to your life or what you are going through.

What is the role of love in your life?  Who do you love, and why?  Are you doing everything you can to nourish and protect that love, and keep it alive?

Perhaps love is not as abundant in your life as you want it to be, or perhaps you have been hurt by love. Have you made your peace with that, whatever that means for you? Look into the flame, see the way the wax melts and moves, study the signs, and commune with your you truly love yourself?  If not, what is standing in the way of that?

What do you find beautiful in life? Perhaps you need to surround yourself with more beauty. As the goddess often associated with flowers and gardens, maybe you need more color in your life, whether literally or metaphorically. 

Do you have passion in your life? Not just for another person, but for life itself?  What do you desire and what steps do you need to take to acquire it? Reflect on that.

As for temptation, do you too often succumb to it in some way?  I don’t just mean romantic temptation, but temptation in a general sense.  Maybe you give in to overeating to soothe yourself, or excessive drinking to dull the pain of something that needs to be treated and to heal, not just be numbed.

So as you can see, although Venus is associated with very positive things—love, beauty, passion—those forces are so powerful that their undersides can cause loneliness and destruction. 

As the candle burns, focus on the positive.  Feel the positive.  Reflect upon the ways that love has touched your life—not just right now, but from the moment you were born, and not just from a romantic partner, but from everyone who has brought love to your life. That includes a parent, a friend, a child, or a pet.  If they are still with you, great. If not, their love is still with you. It is still a part of you. It is as immortal and enduring as the goddess of love herself.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this pink Venus-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the goddess it is associated with.  The pink wax was strikingly beautiful as it melted, and if you look closely, you’ll seven see a heart-shaped flame on the wick near the end of the burn. 

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Venus, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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