Red / Vulcan

Vulcan is the God of Fire and the Forge.

Apolo en la Fragua de Vulcano, Velazquez

Often seen with a blacksmith’s hammer in hand, he is associated with the colors red and orange, the colors of fire. It is from him that we get the world “volcano.” It is Vulcan who forged the weapons of the gods, including Jupiter’s thunderbolt.

While a god like Apollo might help inspire you to think more creatively or come up with more inventive ideas, it is Vulcan who tackles the more work-minded side of things, toiling away at the forge to create the real-world items needed to achieve one’s goal. Vulcan harnesses the power of fire to build what is needed to get the job done.

So as you watch the burning of this red candle, one dedicated to Vulcan and illuminated by Vesta (because the flame is always Vesta), think about that distinction—the difference between dreaming and doing.

If you know what you want in life, what do you need to get it or to make it happen? Relax into the sight of the melting red wax, lose yourself in the intense flame on the wick, and do a deep dive into your thoughts to answer that all-important question. Because honestly, too many people have great ideas but never see them through to fruition. Your ideas and dreams are too important to do that. Figure out what you need to do to bring them to life, and then get to work.

As with all the candles in this candle-burning series, this red Vulcan-dedicated one burned with the characteristics of the god it is associated with. It had a strange and thick, high flame.

It also had an eruptive quality to it, not unlike a volcano. The red wax flowed in a way that was unmistakably lava-like.  Each time the flame flared on the wick, I could imagine Vulcan striking something at the forge, creating some vital instrument.

On top of that, the behavior of the flame was lively, spectacular and unpredictable, even burning at a slant at times—precisely the kind of showmanship one would expect from the god of fire.

Come back to this candle burning video whenever you need to reflect upon or embrace the aspects of Vulcan, always tapping into your intuition to better understand yourself, to make peace with the past, to find perspective, inspiration and guidance in the present, and to feel hope for the future.

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